
Integration Spotlight - Salesforce

Jake Ford
July 15, 2022
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

The Salesforce integration is a solution for automating the issuance of digital credentials, digital badges, and digital certificates to recipients managed on Salesforce. Use our native Salesforce integration to deliver digital credentials upon course and test completion or new membership enrollment.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is one of the most popular customer relationship management systems (CRMs) in the world, with over 150,000 users worldwide. It is an all-in-one CRM platform that offers organizations the functionality to provide their marketing, sales, commerce, and service departments a single, shared view of each customer. Users rate Salesforce highly for its speed to deployment, ease of use, and comprehensive customization for business needs. Salesforce use cases include:

  • Engage customers with relevant digital marketing
  • Sell effectively and grow the business
  • Quickly launch and scale ecommerce services
  • Provide high levels of customer service
  • Go digital and empower teams to work anywhere
Salesforce Dashboard Example

What is Salesforce Integration?

The Salesforce integration through Accredible enables organizations to automate the creation and delivery of digital credentials, digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials through the Salesforce CRM. Using the Salesforce integration, credential issuers can:

  • Deliver feature-rich digital certificates and digital badges to their recipients
  • Manually issue credentials to their recipients
  • Set up scheduled automation to issue credentials
  • Map Salesforce data fields into Accredible fields
Digital Badge and Digital Certificate Examples

The benefits of using Salesforce Integration

Salesforce enables organizations to manage their customer relationships and business processes with ease from anywhere in the world. It provides a central location for accessing their data and all the supplementary information associated with them. The Salesforce platform provides tools that can be used across multiple departments. Sales can access and organize information about prospects in detail and at scale. Marketing departments can organize campaigns and assets from a single location. Customer service admins can use Salesforce to deliver 360-degree service as part of their customer experience. Issuers can manage their learners with ease but are restricted in how they deliver credentials. This means their candidates miss out on:

  • The ability to share their achievements to social media
  • Embeddable awards for their email signature and personal webpages
  • Supplementary program information such as exam scores and evidence of competencies
  • Verifiable award documents that can be shared with third-parties

This is where the Accredible Salesforce integration provides key benefits to Salesforce users. Accredible is the only digital credentialing solution that offers native app integration with Salesforce and is listed on the AppExchange. Integration via the Zapier integration tool is also available. Features of the Accredible Salesforce integration include:

  • Support for format agnostic credentials including digital badges, digital certificates, and blockchain credentials
  • Simple, drag and drop design tools for creating digital badge and digital certificate designs supported by a varied library of customizable templates
  • Dedicated credential page for issued credentials that include program or course details, links to the issuer’s website, and evidence of demonstrable skills
  • One-click sharing to social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter
  • Embeddable credentials for email signatures or webpages
  • Ability to add earned credentials to LinkedIn profile
  • Full issuer control over validity and expiration dates
  • Portable credentials that can be added to smartphone digital wallet cards
  • Support for downloadable PDF and printable credentials with QR-Code link to live credential page

The Accredible Salesforce integration enables issuers to deliver branded, feature-rich digital credentials to their candidates as part of an enhanced recipient experience. Digital credentials issued through Accredible are easy to issue, manage, and revoke. Aside from representing the achievements of candidates, issuers use digital credentials to create additional revenue streams, drive referrals, and promote program growth.

Additional Revenue Streams

Issuers have increased control over the validity and expiration of digital credentials. This facilitates issuers to create revenue streams by encouraging recipients to keep their credentials valid and up-to-date. Recipients with expiring credentials are more likely to return to refresh their knowledge and skills or renew their membership. Issuers can choose how long their credentials are valid for and once the credential nears expiration, recipients receive an email notification of expiry. Once the expiration date has passed, the credential is updated with a red, page-width banner which states the credential can no longer be verified. The increased visibility of expired credentials motivates recipients to keep their knowledge, skills, or membership up-to-date by returning to reskill or renew.

See how the U.S. Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights (USIDHR) used digital credentials to elevate their brand credibility and increase program revenue by 25% in under a year in our USIDHR Case Study.

Drive Referrals

The shareability of digital credentials increases visibility for the earned credentials, the issuing organization, and any follow-on or relevant programs or courses. Recipients share their digital badges and digital credentials to their preferred social media networks to celebrate their achievement with their friends, family, and peers. The followers within their social network often share a crossover with the target audience of the issuer. Once they see the shared credential, they are more likely to engage, and sign up to pursue the same credential to benefit their own professional journey. Using the credential analytics dashboards, issuers can track the engagement and referrals of shared credentials and work with their influential candidates to encourage further engagement.  

Promote Program Growth

The dedicated credential page and credential delivery email provides issuers the opportunity to further engage their recipients and encourage them to pursue additional or follow-on courses. This helps issuers to grow their programs and generate more revenue by including links that clearly outline the recommended next steps for recipients. Issuers can also utilize the Pathways feature to build learning pathways made up of optional and required credentials, with dedicated analytics insights that show how learners are progressing. The dedicated credential page also allows issuers to engage third-party viewers. Visitors to the dedicated credential page can follow on-page links to the course sign-up page, the course website, and the issuing organization’s website. This offers an easy journey to enrollment for candidates and helps to drive additional sign-ups.

How to set-up Salesforce Integration

Full details for setting up the Salesforce integration are available in our Accredible knowledge base:

Further details are also available for setting up scheduled issuing on Salesforce:

How to use Salesforce Integration

Issuers can begin issuing digital credentials through Salesforce after setting up a schedule via FlowBuilder, Salesforce’s workflow builder tool. Digital credential designs and credential groups are set up and managed via the Accredible platform. Follow the steps provided below:

Creating a Digital Badge or Digital Certificate

Digital certificate and digital badge designs are created, managed, and updated from within the Accredible digital credentialing solution. Detailed guidance for creating digital credentials can be found in our knowledge base. Follow the links to our detailed help articles below.

Issuing Digital Credentials from Salesforce

To issue digital credentials to Salesforce users, you first need to set-up a digital credential group from the Accredible platform. Learn how to do this in our knowledge base article below:

In Summary

Accredible’s Salesforce integration enables organizations to issue feature-rich digital credentials to their users from the world’s most popular CRM platform. Start issuing your candidates digital credentials that are easy to share and enable them to provide verifiable evidence of their certifications, knowledge, and skills on-the-go. 

For more information about Accredible, digital credentials, or additional features, book a platform demo.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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