Company News

New: Accredible Credential Framework

Maise Hunns
June 23, 2023
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

The digital credential market is growing rapidly, creating tremendous promise and potential challenges for businesses that confer these credentials as they attempt to scale their offerings quickly. To confront these challenges head-on, companies must ensure they have robust and well-built-out internal operations to make these programs more profitable and sustainable in the future. And that’s precisely what the Accredible Credential Framework (ACF) aims to solve.

What is the Accredible Credential Framework (ACF)?

The ACF consists of two elements: a methodology and a self-serve diagnostic tool. Both pieces embody the tools, methods, and best practices that Accredible has developed through years of front-line experience in launching and scaling successful credentialing initiatives.

ACF Methodology

Accredible developed the ACF to transform the knowledge and expertise gained through launching thousands of credentialing initiatives into a trusted methodology or framework.

This framework helps organizations of all sizes to start, strengthen, and scale their credentialing programs and initiatives and develop a business architecture around these initiatives. The outcome shows how elements of a digital credential program, such as capabilities, processes, organization, and data, fit together to provide a comprehensive and coherent approach to adopting, deploying, and managing digital credentials.

Diagnostic Tool

The diagnostic tool is a short questionnaire consisting of four questions designed to help you determine the stage of your organization's credential journey and hone in on your key pain points. By assessing your current situation, we can offer you a custom roadmap that fits your specific needs.

Once you answer the four questions, you’ll receive your roadmap––a tailored checklist of activities that aid you in delivering on your credential program. Bookmark the URL or download the custom roadmap as a PDF to reference as you launch or improve your credential initiatives.

Credentialing Initiatives that Drive Impact

Your Credential Journey

Every organization that adopts digital credentials starts from a similar place: with questions, such as “What are credentials?”, “How do they work?”, and “How can we use them?”.

The ACF makes that journey easier, quicker, and more efficient––eliminating roadblocks, breakdowns, and potential traffic jams from credential roadmaps.

Customize the Framework to Reflect Your Needs

Like all methods or frameworks, the ACF supports a wide range of scenarios. Your organization may only need some of them. Start by considering your organization’s goals. What do you want to use credentials for? What is special about your organization? 

Then, start with one of the pre-prepared roadmaps and customize it to reflect your needs. Delete activities you don't need or add in activities you may need. It’s best to customize before you begin your credential program. This gives all stakeholders the opportunity to understand what’s required to launch, develop, or improve your credential program.

It's About More than Just the Credentials

Credentials don't exist in a vacuum, which is why our framework consists of four layers:

  1. Experience: The experience that your learners will have when they earn and share one of your credentials.
  2. Data: Digital Credentials are literally a gateway into your online world. Ensuring the data associated with your credentials accurately reflects both learners achievements and your organization is an important task.
  3. Business Operations: Your organization’s business operations and making credentials work in your business environment. Consider how your organization will manage day to day operational issues such as learners not receiving their credentials, changing their email addresses etc. And, at a higher level, other considerations such as ensuring that your credentials align with your brand identity and are visually appealing online.
  4. Technology: The Technology required to connect your credential platform to the rest of your technical ecosystem so it all works seamlessly. The work needed to set up the credential platform and any integrations you may need.

Take the short questionnaire to get your credential roadmap today.

Need more hands-on help? Reach out to your Accredible account manager, or contact the Professional Services team.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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