Digital credentials that fuel program growth

With Accredible, you can manage and measure everything from issuing career-advancing digital credentials to visualizing learning pathways to spotlighting certified learners — all with one unified platform.

Turn credentialing into a program acquisition channel

The way we’ve been taught to issue credentials is perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists. What if there was a better way?

The Traditional Credentialing Model

Learner enrolls, completes program, and receives a paper or PDF credential.

But then what?

Connection ends at issuance

Limited credential sharing

Fraud potential

Zero visibility


Credential isn’t easily shareable

Doesn’t provide full picture


Fraud potential

Costly to verify

Not easy to assess

The traditional credentialing model is costly for all parties: issuers, learners, and employers.

The Credential Flywheel of Growth

Learner enrolls, completes program, and receives a digital, shareable, and verifiable credential.

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Learner enrolls, completes program, and receives a digital, shareable, and verifiable credential.

And you’ve recognized them online with other credential holders via Accredible’s Spotlight Directory.

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And you’ve recognized them online with other credential holders via Accredible’s Spotlight Directory.

Learner easily shares credential online with Accredible’s One-Click Sharing — increasing program awareness and referral traffic.

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Learner easily accepts & shares credential online with Accredible’s 1-click sharing—increaseing program awareness and referral traffic.

Seeing the shared credential, new learners enroll in your program, and the original learner continues their journey with another course via Accredible’s Recommendations.

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New learners who saw the shared credential enroll in your program and with Accredible’s Recommendations the original learner continues their journey with another course.

The digital credential becomes the driving force behind your flywheel — and, ultimately, a new acquisition channel for your program.

The only unified platform purpose-built for program growth

Explore platform features

Award your learners

Design and issue verifiable digital badges and certificates that showcase acquired skills, earning criteria, and evidence of learning. Elevate your brand with unmatched white-labeling — from custom URLs to emails and credentials — and recognize learners via a Spotlight Directory. 

Win back time for your team with retroactive credential editing and automated name change handling, expiration, and renewals.

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Amplify your brand

Turn learners into brand ambassadors. Use learner engagement data to easily create tailored, automated email campaigns like credential-sharing reminders, reenrollment incentives, or renewal notices to boost engagement, share rates, and referrals. 

With one-click social media sharing to 40+ platforms and embedding options for LinkedIn, websites, and emails, learners can easily celebrate their achievements.

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Attract & re-enroll learners

Create visual learning journeys with milestone credentials that incentivize continued learning with Pathways. Enhance credential value with Job Market Insights tied to the skills and learning outcomes your program offers and support learner mobility with our digital wallet.

Boost brand visibility and course enrollment by advertising your credentials to a verified pool of active learners with Recommendations.

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Analyze & optimize performance

Get visibility into every aspect of your program with analytics and visuals that go beyond the number of credentials issued. Track key metrics like email and credential engagement, social media shares, program referrals, learning pathway completions and dropoffs, and more. 

You’ll always have the right insights to refine strategies, enhance impact, and unlock your program’s potential.

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Connect your favorite tools

Accredible seamlessly integrates with your existing systems—from LMS, CMS, and publishing tools—to streamline issuing credentials without disrupting your workflows.

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Keep your credential data secure

Scale your program with peace of mind thanks to Accredible’s robust security and compliance features and reliable hosting infrastructure.

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Partnership beyond the platform

Launching and scaling a digital credentialing initiative can seem daunting. Our Customer Success Team provides a personalized onboarding experience, ongoing best practices, and proactive solutions and strategies to help you meet your program goals.

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Frogames logo

“Since we introduced Accredible digital credentials, our course completion rate has improved by three times.”

Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas

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Syracuse logo

“I've spent 45 years in information technology, so I mean it when I say Accredible is such high-quality software — that's really what made the difference for us. You can’t miss with it.”

Arthur Thomas
Executive Director of the Office of Professional Acceleration and Microcredentials, Syracuse University

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“What makes a difference for us is the partnership and alignment in our shared success. We're Accredible fans because it served us well.”

Basia Bullard
Global Learning Solutions Director, Trimble

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Unlock your program's potential

How to Increase Program Enrollment and Completion with Learning Pathways

Read the guide

How McGraw-Hill is Helping Students Turn Skills to Career Outcomes

Watch the webinar

Securing Your Digital Credentials and Brand

Read the blog

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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