Company News

Skilljar Partners with Accredible to Streamline the Learning Experience

June 28, 2023
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New Accredible integration with Skilljar drives learner engagement.

Top-rated LMS, Skilljar, has partnered with Accredible, the world’s leading independent digital credentialing provider, to make it easy for issuing organizations to deliver rewarding, verifiable, and market-valuable credentials to learners.

Issuing organizations can seamlessly connect their Skilljar training content with their credentialing program through the new Accredible Integration with Skilljar. This API integration offers learners a more streamlined and engaging experience, enhancing your credentials' market value and relevance.

Issuers who use Skilljar and need a comprehensive credentialing platform can use this API integration to see the following:

Improve Learner Satisfaction

Connect your training content with your credentialing program to create a streamlined, engaging learning experience for your learners.

Enhance your learners’ satisfaction and facilitate how they experience positive outcomes from their credentials effortlessly by providing them with a robust and comprehensive credential experience.

As the leading independent credentialing provider, Accredible enables Issuers to provide learners with valuable opportunities tied to their credentials effortlessly. The ability to manage, share, and verify earned credentials drives enhanced learner engagement and retention.

Increase Credential Currency

Whether your learners earn credentials to advance in the workforce or progress throughout their postsecondary education and training, credentials issued through the Accredible Integration with Skilljar hold academic and workplace value. 

This integration gives you the tools to provide your learners with verifiable, market-valuable credentials to enhance their employability and professional development opportunities.

A Competitive Edge

Issuing organizations can gain a competitive advantage by offering a robust and seamless credentialing program, attracting more learners, and expanding their market share. This integration allows you to support your learners at every stage of their learning journey: from discovering your program and completing courses to earning a digital credential and sharing their achievements across their online profiles. These highly visible proof points help your program stand out and attract prospective learners.

Additionally, this integration allows you to see valuable insights into your learners’ progress and engagement so you can continue to refine your program and engage learners.

Automates LMS activities

Automatically bring Skilljar data into your Accredible account, create credentials based on Skilljar courses and lesson completion, and issue credentials as soon as your learners complete their training programs.

Issuers can save time previously spent issuing manually and minimize errors by syncing your training platform and credential management system.


The Accredible Integration with Skilljar enables Issuers to achieve a superior digital credential program that drives outstanding business results, surpassing the capabilities of traditional LMS badging features.

For more information about the Accredible Integration with Skilljar, reach out to your Account Manager. 

Not a customer? See the integration in action today.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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