Company News
Higher Education

New: Streamline, Measure, and Grow Course Catalogs with Collections

Jake Ford
June 22, 2023
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

Beginning June 2023, all Accredible customers will see an updated version of Collections. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of using Collections:

Simplify Administrative Tasks and Processes

Save time organizing and managing your digital credentials by sorting groups into Collections. 

Publish your Collections to create a comprehensive course directory for easy navigation––both administrative and for your learners. By grouping relevant content together and providing convenient filtering options across your dashboard, you enable learners to access credentials in specific categories quickly and efficiently to find the course they’re looking for.

Tailor Collections to your preferences, whether you’re grouping courses by subject matter (“Business courses”), by semester (“Fall 2022”), or by program track (“Diploma-level”), for example.

In addition to consolidated credential management processes, Collections also allows you to streamline your team member filtering and permissions, which enables you to manage team members’ access and permissions across groups rather than one by one. You can also categorize and organize groups to enhance your team's collaboration and productivity.

Increase the Discoverability of Your Courses

Collections makes large course catalogs more browseable, increasing course visibility, attracting more learner attention, and driving higher course sign-ups. Separating your credentials into different groups or Collections allows you to enhance your learners’ browsing experience, as your learners can more easily explore and discover courses in large catalogs.

Example of Collections on a public-facing Issuer page.

Customers on Connect+ and Growth plans can use this user-friendly interface to allow your learners to navigate through your course offerings in a more organized fashion.

Streamline Analytics Reporting

Our latest release provides brand new analytics that will give you insight into your learner engagement and course performance so that you can make more informed decisions about your program’s effectiveness.

Manage and oversee your programs with a comprehensive view of all your credentials and courses within a set of related groups. This update to Collections applies to Connect+ and Growth plan customers, and gives you enhanced analytics reporting capabilities that track the success and impact of your programs more effectively.

View of the new selection drop-down on the top left of the Credential Engagement page.

When you have Collections set up, you’ll see a new selection drop-down to access Analytics on the top left of the following pages:

  • Credential Engagement page
  • Recipient Activity page
  • Marketing ROI page
  • Influencers page
  • Logs page

Those on Accredible’s Growth Plan can take their analytics reporting to the next level with comparative analytics. Use these comparative analytics to evaluate and optimize your program outcomes, which results in improved results and program success.

Access comparative analytics on the Credential Engagement page to assess the performance of multiple groups within a selected Collection.

Collections Plan-Specific Functionality

Our self-serve customers, or those on the Launch plan, can use Collections to tag their groups for easier sorting and filtering on the dashboard. You can also assign group tags to team members to quickly give them permission over specific related group types, like all Business Faculty courses.

Those on Connect can experience the above functionality and the ability to publicly list Collections so learners can more easily find your courses. Connect plan customers can also filter analytics data by Collection to compare the performance of different faculties and course types.

Growth plan customers will be able to do all of the above and enable a comparison view between groups to compare the performance of groups relative to one another and within a collection.

For more information about Collections, reach out to your Account Manager. 

New to digital credentials? Contact our sales team to see digital credentials and Collections in action.

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