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Unlock the Power of Email Campaigns: Boost Engagement, Retention, and Revenue

Jake Ford
September 12, 2024
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

In today's competitive training and education landscape, simply issuing digital credentials is no longer enough. Leading programs are now looking to increase learner engagement beyond the initial credential issuance — driving credential sharing, program referrals, and growth. That's why Accredible launched Email Campaigns in early 2024, the credential industry's first email marketing solution designed specifically for credential issuers.

Since then, we’ve seen significant improvements to customers’ overall credential open and share rates. For example, the College of Professional Studies at George Washington University increased its credential open rate by 43.1%, LinkedIn profile add rate by 133%, and LinkedIn share rate by a whopping 580.6%. 

Thomas Mastro, Director of Strategic Initiatives & Planning at The College of Professional Studies, shares, “If I were to be a first-time customer again, pitching Email Campaigns from the beginning would’ve made the case for Accredible that much stronger.” 

But how do you harness the full potential of this powerful new tool? In this post, we'll explore practical strategies and tips for leveraging Email Campaigns to drive meaningful results for your program. Whether you're looking to boost credential engagement, increase renewals, or market additional courses, we've got you covered with actionable advice based on real success stories from our customers.

Boosting Credential Engagement

Credential engagement is at the heart of digital credentials' impact. The more your learners engage with their credentials, the more widely they're used, shared, and seen — driving brand awareness and referral traffic to your program.

The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) experienced this first-hand after adopting digital credentials and seeing its LinkedIn share rate jump by a whopping 123% — getting IISE’s brand in front of more potential members and earners. James Swisher, Director of Continuing Education for IISE, shares, “I think all of us at IISE underestimated the additional exposure Accredible’s credentials would give the Institute on social media. “It helps other folks understand what kind of programs we offer and gets them thinking about a membership.”

Here are some practical steps to drive more credentials to be opened and engaged with.

1. Send Strategic Reminders

One of the simplest yet most effective strategies is to set up additional reminders for credential holders who haven't opened their credentials. With Email Campaigns, you can easily:

  • Create targeted reminders that only go to credential-holders who haven't engaged with their credential yet
  • Set appropriate delays to avoid overwhelming learners
  • Use pre-made templates from the 'Find Campaigns' page for quick setup

Help Center: Creating email campaigns

Pro Tip: Enable pre-made reminders from the 'Find Campaigns' page to get started with minimal setup.

2. Optimize Your Email Content

We've discovered that certain email content performs better than others. Our new 'Essential Templates' incorporate these learnings and are available in all customer accounts. Key improvements include:

  • Direct calls-to-action (CTAs) for opening credentials and sharing on LinkedIn in one step
  • Automatic updates as we discover new best practices and best-performing content

Help Center: Essential email campaigns and templates

Pro Tip: Tailor your email copy to your specific audience by including relevant statistics or skills. You can even create different templates for different audience segments. To help you get started, we have some examples of audience-specific messaging on the ‘Find Campaigns’ page.

Increasing Renewals

Renewing memberships and certifications is crucial for retention and revenue. Here's how to use Email Campaigns to boost renewals:

1. Create a Pre-Expiry Drip Campaign

Set up a series of reminders leading up to the expiration date:

  • Schedule emails at various intervals (e.g., six months, 90 days, 30 days before expiry)
  • Customize intervals based on your credential's lifespan. For example, a one-year pre-expiry reminder does not make sense for a credential that remains valid for only one year.
  • Use the 'Find Campaigns' page to quickly set up pre-made drip campaigns. You can easily customize these campaigns to send at time intervals that work best for your audience.

Pro Tip: Use 'Send time optimization' to ensure your reminders reach inboxes at the most effective times.

Help Center: Email campaign scheduling - choosing an optimal send time

2. Implement Post-Expiry Reminders

It can be easy to focus on the lead-up to a credential expiry and forget what happens afterward. Don't forget about learners after their credentials expire:

  • Send reminders to help lapsed credential holders get back on track
  • Provide clear instructions for re-certification

Every learner you reach is one more member you might’ve lost.

Driving Program Growth

According to our 2024 State of Credentialing report, 92% of learners plan to take an additional course that offers a credential in the next two years. Moreover, 94% of learners want to see additional courses to help them meet their career goals after they’ve completed a course. This presents a significant opportunity to reengage these learners and increase program revenue.

Using Email Campaigns, you can expand your program by encouraging enrollment in additional courses:

1. Cross-Promote Related Courses

Target credential holders with emails about relevant additional courses:

  • Use Email Campaigns to segment your audience based on their current credentials
  • Include direct links to your website for easy enrollment
  • Track how many learners you're driving back to your site

Pro Tip: Since this content is specific to each learner segment, you’ll want to tailor your emails (beyond the pre-made templates) accordingly. Our Professional Services team can help you set up and track Email Campaigns specifically designed to increase course sign-ups.

2. Drive Pathway Completion

Accredible’s Pathways enable you to link together your courses in a progression sequence, communicating progress and motivating learners to advance through multiple courses.

If you're already using Pathways, they become even more powerful when combined with Email Campaigns:

  • Send reminders to learners about their progress within a Pathway
  • Motivate them to advance through multiple courses
  • Increase visibility and participation in your Pathway programs

Getting Started with Email Campaigns

Ready to put these strategies into action? Here's how to begin:

  1. Explore the 'Find Campaigns' page in your Accredible account for pre-made templates and campaigns
  2. Customize Essential Templates to fit your brand and audience
  3. Set up your first drip campaign for credential reminders or renewal notices
  4. Monitor your results using Accredible's advanced analytics

Remember, the key to success with Email Campaigns is continuous optimization. Start with these strategies, track your results, and refine your approach over time.

By leveraging the power of Email Campaigns, you're not just sending emails — you're creating meaningful touchpoints that drive engagement, retention, and growth for your credential program.

Not yet an Accredible customer, but would like to take your credential program to the next level? Schedule a demo today to learn how our platform can help you attract and reward learners and grow your program.

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