
Why Should I Issue Digital Credentials?

Ryan Greives
August 15, 2024
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
Table of Contents

According to the 2024 State of Credentialing report, 96% of learners who earned a digital credential consider it valuable for their career, and 78% believe it increases their chances of getting a job offer. These statistics underscore the significant impact digital credentials have on individual career advancement.

But what about the benefits to training and education organizations and employers? Are digital credentials equally valuable on the institutional side?

The same report sheds light on this question, revealing that 94% of issuers who have adopted digital credentials report a positive impact on their business. It’s no wonder that many of the world’s leading organizations, including Google, IAPP, McGraw Hill, MIT, Skillsoft, Slack, and the University of Cambridge, have embraced digital credentials.

However, despite the clear value proposition, we're still in the "early majority" stage of market adoption. Only 40% of issuers have offered digital credentials for at least four years, indicating that many organizations have yet to tap into this powerful tool.

So why should your organization consider adopting digital credentials? In this post, we'll explore the multifaceted benefits that digital credentials can bring to training and education providers, employers, and other credential-issuing organizations. From enhancing brand reputation to driving program success, we'll uncover how digital credentials can become a catalyst for organizational growth and innovation in today's digital-first world.

8 Ways Digital Credentials Can Benefit Your Organization

1. Digital credentials meet learner preferences and expectations

According to the 2024 State of Credentialing report, learners slightly prefer digital credentials over traditional paper or PDF formats when asked about their preferred credential format. However, the true value becomes apparent when examining the specific attributes learners prioritize. The research reveals that learners strongly favor features uniquely offered by digital credentials:

  • Verifiability and protection against fraud
  • Easy replacement if lost or damaged
  • Seamless online sharing capabilities
  • Inclusion of detailed metadata (e.g., skill overviews, completion evidence, assessment criteria)

By offering digital credentials, organizations can meet these learner preferences, increasing satisfaction, engagement, and the perceived value of their programs.

2. Digital credentials increase credential sharing and brand awareness

Digital credentials make it easier for learners to instantly share their achievements online, leading to greater brand exposure, awareness, and referrals for your organization. The 2024 State of Credentialing report found that 52% of issuers experienced increased credential sharing after adopting digital credentials, while 48% reported enhanced brand reputation and awareness. This dual benefit of increased sharing and improved brand perception creates a powerful marketing tool for organizations.

Take it from James Swisher, Director of Continuing Education at the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE), who has increased their credential share rate by 96% and LinkedIn share rate by a whopping 123%. “I think all of us at IISE underestimated the additional exposure Accredible’s credentials would give the Institute on social media,” James explains. “It helps other folks understand what kind of programs we offer and gets them thinking about a membership.”

3. Digital credentials increase engagement and continuous skill development

Whether you’re a training and education provider or an employer, digital credentials are powerful drivers of learner (or employee) engagement and continuous skill development. By providing immediate recognition yet being stackable (via microcredentials), they satisfy the modern need for instant gratification and encourage ongoing learning. And the impact on engagement is significant.

According to the 2024 State of Credentialing report, 60% of learners are more likely to complete a course when a digital credential is offered. Additionally, IBM found that 87% of IBM badge earners reported higher engagement levels, and 50% returned for additional credentials. This increased engagement translates to tangible benefits for organizations, creating a virtuous cycle of learning, recognition, and skill development that enhances the value of educational offerings and fosters a more skilled, motivated learner or employee base.

4. Digital credentials reduce program costs and busywork

Eliminating the need for printing, mailing, and physical storage can significantly reduce the costs associated with credential issuance and management for both issuers and recipients. Learner data is also logged from the moment someone earns their credential, and any changes, reissuing, revoking, or renewing credentials can be made swiftly, ensuring the information remains current and accurate. 

Since switching its certification program to digital credentials, the Digital Marketing Institute has saved 90 hours of employee time and over $50,000 in printing and shipping costs. Similarly, The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) cut 50% of its credential-issuing costs and significantly reduced the three days per month for four staff members printing and mailing paper certificates. 

5. Digital credentials provide valuable data and insights to improve program strategies

Digital credentials can be managed and tracked in a centralized system, giving organizations valuable insights into how and where their credentials are used. This data can help inform program improvements and strategic decisions.

Chris Dutton, Founder & Chief Product Officer at Maven Analytics, said, “Accredible has been a powerful tool to help us understand opportunities for individual credentials or courses where we're seeing lower than expected share rates that might give us a clue to potentially dig in and see what we can do to help improve those metrics. So as a diagnostic tool and a measuring stick for us to track performance, it's been really helpful.”

6. Digital credentials provide enhanced credential verification and security

Digital credentials include advanced security features, such as encryption and blockchain technology, making them harder to forge than traditional paper or PDF credentials. The advanced security protects your organization's brand and reputation and gives learners peace of mind knowing that third parties can instantly verify their fraud-proof credentials.

As with most organizations, online learning platform Frogames needed a secure alternative to PDF certificates for its program. Co-founder Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas said, “When we decided to add gamification to our existing courses, we knew we wanted to reward learners with badges along the way and a certificate at each finish line — not a single PDF. They’re too easy to alter these days. With Accredible, we now have a very secure and robust way of creating credentials."

7. Employers value digital credentials

Research from Collegis Education and UPCEA indicates that an overwhelming 95% of employers state a resume listing microcredentials benefited the candidate, and over 73% reported hires with alternative credentials helped their organization fill an existing skill gap and improve their workforce. Additionally, over half believe this is a viable solution for conveying employee competency.

8. As an employer, digital credentials provide a comprehensive view of employee skills

Digital credentials allow organizations to track employee skills inventory and progression, allowing employers to map available skills and identify gaps. This visibility enables informed talent decisions and the ability to pinpoint upskilling and reskilling opportunities effectively. With access to detailed skills data, organizations can maximize their talent investments and ensure they make the most out of their workforce.

Case Studies: Organizational Benefits in Action

To illustrate the real-world impact, let's look at a few examples of how organizations have benefited from adopting digital credentials:

  • Frogames: Since launching digital credentials, the online learning platform has experienced a 67% increase in credential sharing, leading to a 3% increase in referral traffic and more people discovering their brand.
  • Workato: After implementing Accredible's digital credential platform, Workato saw an 80% increase in program learners, demonstrating the power of digital credentials to drive engagement and program growth.
  • The U.S. Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights (USIDHR): The global 501(c)3 nonprofit increased program revenue by 25% in under a year after implementing digital credentials.

Embracing the Digital Credential Revolution

The transition to digital credentials is not only beneficial for learners but also presents a significant opportunity for organizations to drive program success, enhance brand reputation, and optimize talent management. As we continue to see the positive impacts of digital credentials across various sectors, it's clear that organizations that adopt this technology early stand to gain a competitive edge in attracting, engaging, and retaining both learners and talent.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo and discover how Accredible can help you attract and reward learners, visualize learning journeys, and grow your program.

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