How USIDHR Increased Program Revenue by 25% in Under a Year

The Organization

The U.S. Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights (USIDHR) is a global 501(c)3 nonprofit headquartered in Washington, DC that advocates to advance education for all. Through its EduforEveryChild program, USIDHR has helped hundreds of at-risk children go to school by supporting their education for an entire year. USIDHR advances education through the dissemination of educational materials, published articles, books, and research in the area of human rights and diplomacy. 

Their incredible mission is funded through USIDHR’s online certification training programs on human rights, human trafficking, diplomatic protocol and etiquette, and business consulting. Many of their course graduates leverage their USIDHR certification to secure highly sought-after contracting roles within various levels of the United States government and Fortune 500 corporations.

The Impact


digital credentials issued in 11 months


share rate to at least one social platform


program and revenue growth in under a year

The Challenge

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, USIDHR was forced to abruptly transfer their in-person certification programs to an online format. As a result, they noticed a greater influx of students, with many of their courses attracting over 3,500 students in a short period of time.

With this abrupt shift, USIDHR’s staff struggled to keep up with the daily demand of designing, printing, and shipping hundreds of certificates to their global student base. Many times certificates were lost or delayed, and managing the process became more of an administrative burden – pulling critical staff away from overseeing and improving their new suite of online courses.

“Our credential process was a mess. There were so many parts to keep track of and it was causing incredible stress for our staff. Graduates wanted to share their achievements, put them in their email signatures – but with our paper credentials they couldn’t do that.”– Isabelle Vladoiu, Founder of USIDHR

The Solution

“Accredible is more than a digital credential platform for us. It doubles as a customer relationship manager (CRM). We can see who has taken what course, when, if they have enrolled in other courses. This has greatly helped us to continue to expand and market our courses to a global audience.”

Isabelle Vladoiu, Founder of USIDHR

In search of a more streamlined way to add value to their existing programs while also automating the digital certificate delivery process, USIDHR joined Accredible.

Within weeks, USIDHR was able to integrate their Thinkific e-learning platform with Accredible to begin issuing both digital certificates and badges with just one click of a button. 

By adding Accredible’s digital credentials to their existing program offering, USIDHR was able to provide their graduates with:

  • Single-click social sharing of their digital credential to LinkedIn, email signatures, websites, and resumes.
  • Immediate placement in a fully branded, highly visible USIDHR directory where government agencies and corporations come to find certified consultants.
  • Instant verification of their high stakes credentials to help graduates boost their personal credibility and secure high priority employment opportunities.

A complete library of their digital credentials where graduates can view their achievements all in one place.

The Results

Before Accredible, USIDHR could not track how graduates interacted with, shared, or leveraged their printed certificates. In under a year, USIDHR has issued over 4,000 digital credentials giving them detailed insight into where their credentials are being shared and who is viewing them while easily quantifying the amount of traffic each shared credential organically drives to their program’s registration pages. To date, USIDHR has observed a 76% open rate on their digital credentials and nearly 50% of all graduates share their USIDHR certifications on at least one social platform.

USIDHR’s entire program suite has experienced marked growth of at least 25%, with many students re-enrolling in new courses. This increase in course revenue has empowered the non-profit to continue its powerful mission of educating children around the world.

“With Accredible, we can issue digital credentials that our graduates can immediately use and post online. This has been invaluable for us! Our graduates finally have a professionally-designed credential that matches our brand and this has instantly boosted our credibility and elevated the status of our graduates.” – Isabelle Vladoiu, Founder of USIDHR

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