Accredible’s New “State of Digital Credentials” Report Affirms the Value of Digital Credentialing

January 19, 2023
Findings reveal a sharp uptick in adoption, clear value propositions, and top industries for the digital credentialing market

Today Accredible, the world’s leading digital credentialing platform, released its annual “State of Digital Credentials” report revealing new data about the condition of the booming digital credentialing industry. Research findings from Accredible show a notable increase in the number of credentials issued to learners from 2021 to 2022, while also offering data on adoption rates within key industries such as higher education, professional associations, and corporate training organizations.

Accredible’s State of Digital Credentials Report comes amidst a transformation in the learning industry, as ongoing development, upskilling, and reskilling initiatives continue to provide impact to learners around the globe. As a whole, adoption of digital credentials increased by a sizable amount in 2022, leveraged at a higher rate and by more organizations than ever before. Moving into the new year, it is abundantly clear that the digital credentialing industry is poised for further growth as organizations unlock more business cases and value propositions behind the technology.

“The way in which we learn and grow in our professional careers has fundamentally changed,” said Danny King, CEO and co-founder of Accredible. “As learners around the globe look to prepare themselves for successful futures, more businesses have begun to realize the value that digital credentials can deliver along the learner’s journey.”

During the first half of 2022, more than 1,700 organizations issued 1.7 million digital credentials on average to learners and students looking to grow their personal skill sets. This represents an increase from the 1.2 million monthly average issued by just over 1,200 organizations in the same time span in 2021. In total, Accredible increased its customer base by 37%, while the average number of credentials issued per month grew by 40%. In turn, Accredible predicts a continuous rise in companies, learners, and universities who leverage digital credentialing as an essential branding tool and value add in 2023, with their numbers already surpassing 1,800 organizations issuing over 120,000 digital credentials daily.

The applications for digital credentials were varied depending on industry, business size, and use case. Accredible’s research showed the main value propositions included:

  • Ease of innovation - 25%
  • Automation of credentialing practices - 22%
  • Better data management - 19%
  • Marketing and branding capabilities - 16%
  • Social sharing capabilities - 11%

57% of all organizations surveyed by Accredible also indicated their internal efficiency improved as a result of using digital credentials. The wide array of use cases and value propositions noted by survey respondents further entrench the business case for digital credentials across organizations of all sizes. “We've not just seen adoption rates grow across several industries, but we’ve also seen how digital credentials bring strong returns on investment, provide clear pathways for learners, and help build a stronger infrastructure to bridge the skills gap and set the foundation for the future of learning and education globally,” King added.

Accredible’s findings also underscore the vast array of use cases for digital credentials across industries, including the following key verticals:

  • Corporate training organizations - 31%
  • Professional certification providers - 21%
  • Higher education institutions - 21%
  • Professional associations - 17%
  • Learning experience platforms - 5%

With more than 57 million credentials issued to date, Accredible is helping bridge the skills gap, empowering its customers with the tools they need to create and grow robust credentialing programs. Those interested in learning more can visit

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