
A word from our CEO

Over the past decade, the labor market and post-secondary education landscape have fundamentally changed as digital technologies and the demand for alternative pathways to employment have disrupted every industry and job.

Learners are exploring non-traditional avenues — such as certifications, bootcamps, and short courses — to supplement degrees and/or gain new skills. And employers are expanding hiring based on skills and learning (not solely on degrees) to fill the skills gap and create a more diverse workforce.

Verifiable proof of skills has truly become the new currency.

However, even with the market momentum, credential issuers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate the value and relevance of their credentials to stakeholders. And with seemingly endless options, how do programs differentiate from one another for learners’ time and investment?

It’s why we surveyed over 1,000 learners and nearly 200 education and training leaders (i.e., credential issuers) to see what learners want from their courses and credentials (and are issuers delivering?), and what the most successful issuers are doing differently to grow their programs.

What did we learn? Credential issuers have a massive opportunity. More than 9 out of 10 learners are planning to take more courses — and they’re actively looking for recommendations from their course providers.

But, there’s a significant gap between what learners want in their courses and what issuers are delivering.

In the 2024 State of Credentialing, we offer many data-driven and actionable recommendations on how you can improve the learner experience to attract and retain learners, increase program awareness, and ultimately grow your credentialing program.

Danny King
CEO and co-founder


The 2024 State of Credentialing report is based on two surveys conducted in the spring of 2024: one survey of 1,023 learners who participated in a course, certification program, or continuing education opportunity that awarded a credential within the past two years, and a second survey of 193 education and training leaders who work for organizations that issue credentials (i.e., certificates and/or badges) as part of their learning programs.

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Executive Summary

Section One

The current state of credential programs

Digital credentials are becoming more common, helping issuers boost brand awareness, increase enrollment, and grow program revenue. However, the technology is still new and there are many things issuers can do to better position their programs for success.

63% of issuers consider their credential programs to be extremely or very successful — and they’re doing things differently.
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Section Two

The value of courses and credentials

The vast majority of learners consider digital credentials to be valuable for their careers and they plan to take additional courses to earn credentials over the next two years.

96% of those who earned a digital credential consider it valuable for their career and 78% believe it increases their chances of getting a job offer.
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Section Three

What learners are looking for in courses

When learners decide to enroll in a course, they’re looking for things that the majority of issuers aren’t delivering, such as learning pathways and projects to work on.

96% of learners want learning pathways to help them master a particular topic, but only 29% of credential issuers offer them.
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Section Four

Awarding and recognizing learners

Learners want credentials that are verifiable, easy to replace, and easy to share online, and the ability to be connected to future career opportunities.

84% of learners want to be included in an online directory for prospective employers, but only 35% of issuers offer this.
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Section Five

Increasing credential sharing

Issuers can unlock an organic brand awareness and marketing channel by increasing the number of learners sharing their credentials online. However, understanding learner preferences and motivations and effectively engaging them is what differentiates the successful programs.

Only 1 in 3 issuers sends a reminder email to encourage learners to share their credentials.
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Section Six

Retaining existing learners

Learners are actively seeking recommendations from course providers, yet issuers are missing opportunities to reengage these learners.

94% of learners want to see additional courses to help them meet their career goals, but 1 in 4 aren’t taking them because they don’t know what to take next.
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Up next

The current state of credential programs

Learn what successful issuers are doing differently.

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