Retaining existing learners

Learners are actively seeking recommendations from course providers, yet issuers are missing opportunities to reengage these learners. Let’s explore how successful issuers are retaining existing learners, ensuring they stay motivated and committed to their educational journey.

4 min reading time

As we noted earlier in this report, more than 9 in 10 learners are planning to take another course that offers a credential. Of those learners, almost all (94%) want to see additional course recommendations. 


Start by tracking the learner journey

Even though issuers have a significant opportunity to reengage these learners and increase program revenue, many issuers aren’t set up to take advantage of this. Only half of issuers (54%) track which learners complete a course — and less than a quarter (23%) track which learners are taking additional courses.


The State of Missouri knows the power of tracking the learner journey. With 50,000 employees, manually tracking who completed courses (and issuing credentials) within its online training program, "The Missouri Way," was extremely burdensome. Using Accredible’s Pathways, it established six distinct learning pathways for its 55 hours of content, automated the issuance of capstone credentials, and gained valuable insights on which of its courses were most popular, where learners were engaged in their learning, and where learners dropped off.

Tom Joseph, Senior Talent Development Specialist for the State of Missouri said, “With Pathways, we’re able to track who of our 50,000 team members has completed each of the six paths at any point within a quarter and send out each of those individual credentials. We’re no longer spending time manually tracking who’s completed all of them across all six paths, allowing us to spend our time elsewhere.”

“With Pathways, we’re able to track who of our 50,000 team members has completed each of the six paths at any point within a quarter and send out each of those individual credentials. We’re no longer spending time manually tracking who’s completed all of them across all six paths, allowing us to spend our time elsewhere.”
Tom Joseph

Senior Talent Development Specialist, State of Missouri


Actively recommend courses to learners

When asked what types of recommendations they provide, a third of issuers report they don’t have a process in place for this, which is a significant missed opportunity.

A better way: Provide course recommendations to reengage your learners.

Successful issuers are more likely to make personalized recommendations based on which courses a learner has taken.

Up next

The path ahead

Phew, that was a lot of data and insights. Let’s dive into a quick recap and next steps you can take to improve your program.

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