Increasing credential sharing

In traditional credentialing programs, the relationship between the learner and the issuer ends at credential issuance. However, this approach misses the organic marketing channel credentials can unlock when issuers empower learners to share them online — boosting brand awareness and program referrals.

6 min reading time

By recognizing and awarding learners in their preferred way and enabling them to easily share their credentials, issuers elevate the learner’s credibility and expose new learners to your program, creating a Credential Flywheel of growth.

Let’s dive into what learner preferences and successful issuers tell us about how to make this happen with your program.

Sharing credentials is easy for learners, but they need motivation

Two-thirds of learners report sharing their credentials, and 93% of those found the process easy. 

Why are some learners sharing their credentials while others aren’t? While many factors are at play, the main reason is motivation (or lack thereof). 

Those who share their credentials most commonly do so because they believe their employer values their credentials. Conversely, over half of those not sharing credentials say they don’t see any reason to do so.

While it’s important to educate learners on how to share their credentials, it’s just as critical (if not more) to illustrate the value of sharing their credentials.

From sharing the achievement with their peers, to looking good to current or potential employers or clients, to effectively communicating what went into the accomplishment, learners need to understand why they should share credentials. Check out our recent guide on how to help learners amplify their credentials online.

The most common place for learners to share their credentials is in their resumes

82% of issuers report having visibility into where learners are sharing credentials. While the most common ways learners share their credentials are via their resume and LinkedIn, the data shows learners have a desire to share their credentials in multiple ways. Given this, issuers need to make it as easy as possible for them to share on any platform.


of issuers report having visibility into where learners are sharing credentials.


Issuers aren’t doing enough to encourage credential sharing

While 71% of issuers take the first step and send an email to award the credential, the majority stop there. Only one in three issuers send a reminder to open the credential and/or share it.

Even fewer issuers report sending credential expiration warnings (23%), course recommendations (19%), or incentives for future courses (17%), missing out on critical opportunities to reenroll learners and increase revenue.


By implementing targeted email campaigns, Accredible customers drove significant improvement in learner engagement, program referrals, and revenue, including:

  • A professional association drove a 40% increase in credentials shared on social media by optimizing the email with next steps to view and share. They also saw a 55% increase in credential share rate from adding a reminder prompt to share to LinkedIn.
  • A higher education institution increased credential shares by adding a reminder email to learners who opened their credentials but hadn't shared — improving program referral rates by 55%.
  • A leading certification program drove a 6X increase in program revenue by thanking learners and offering promotions and recommendations to other courses.
Successful issuers are more likely to send credential emails, including emails to remind learners to share their credentials.

Want to see real examples of credential email campaigns that significantly improved learner engagement, program referrals, and revenue? Check out this 30-minute on-demand webinar.

Issuers are missing an opportunity to celebrate their learners

While encouraging credential sharing is a good first step, issuers have an opportunity to go one step further to recognize and engage with learners who share their credentials.  However, this does not appear to be a priority (yet) for many. 

44% of issuers report doing nothing to recognize or reward learners who share their credentials, and only 13% track program referrals from shared credentials. The lack of learner engagement after course completion isn’t incredibly surprising, considering how relatively new online credential sharing is. But it represents a significant opportunity for issuers to adopt post-course learner engagement practices to identify and develop brand advocates.

Successful issuers are more likely to recognize learners. More specifically, they:
  • Identify ‘influencers’ who have high social engagement from their credential shares
  • Interact with their shared content
  • Offer them freebies, coupons, or discount codes they can share with their followers
  • Encourage and reward learners who share testimonials
Up next

Retaining existing learners

Remember the 92% of learners who want to take additional courses? Get ideas on how to retain them and grow your program revenue. 

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